Sunday, May 1, 2016

Crib Moving Day!

I had been anxiously awaiting this day for along time. I've never had a baby still sleeping in my room past 8 weeks of age. Priscilla was 5 1/2 months old, but we couldn't move her into her own room until Bo was ready to be moved out of that room and into Rhett's room with him. As soon as Priscilla was born Bo regressed in his sleep and began waking up once a night about twice a week. He would scream when we woke up and he started waking up at 6:00 a.m. when Rhett doesn't have to get up for school until 7:20. So we were trying to wait until Bo stopped screaming and sleeping better, but that wasn't totally happening. I mean was getting better to where he would only wake up once a week, but he still screamed. But the baby was getting more sensitive in her sleep and could hear us and the room and bathroom and wake up, plus I think she could smell my milk and then want to be up and nurse and nurse. So finally we moved everyone on the first day of Spring Break. 

Here is Priscilla in our room. About 3 weeks after turning 2, Bo figured out how to turn the door knob and move the stool to climb into Priscilla's crib and wake her up after only a 45 minute nap. She didn't seem too upset and he just wanted to snuggle with his sister. :)

Here is our room on the last day with a crib and changing station in it.

All the men working to put Priscilla's crib back up in her new room/Bo's old room. 

Hooray it's up and now the sisters are playing while the men move to the next room and set up Bo's crib. 
My mom made all of Priscilla's bedding!! I love it so much. And that framed doily is from my Gran's house.

That map is a wall sticker left there by the previous owners and we liked it so just left it for now. And the R2D2 letter R is Rhett's. He wants a Star Wars room, but I'm hesitant.

 Bo's view from his crib.
He will sleep on the bottom bunk eventually.

That night we relaxed by going on a walk in a park we had yet to explore yet. 
It had exercise equipment outside!
Spring is in bloom. 
A play ground.
Hiking trails.
Such a great start to Spring Break!
Fingers crossed everyone sleeps well in their new rooms. 

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