Sunday, October 23, 2016

End of the 1st Birthday Weekend and Her Well Check

So Priscilla's 1st birthday and party was on Saturday, September 17. My parents took Kellyn and Rhett with them to spend the night right after the party. The next morning they wen to the property to bale hay, check on the new house, and Kellyn wanted to see the kitties she found living under the new house. So Max and I went to church Sunday morning with just 2 kids and Priscilla did fantastic. Best she's ever done. Played with toys and didn't cry one bit! After lunch and naps we went to check on Maw-maw and take her a cupcake since she had to miss Priscilla's party and my Aunt Pat and Uncle Bub were there too so we got to visit with them for a an hour or so. They drove in from Round Rock to stay with my grandmother for a few days to give my mom a break. Then we headed out to my parents house to pick up the big kids. I took Priscilla's picture in the birthday outfit she wore to church. I got it off a garage sale site and it is just perfect. 

Silly sisters on the trampoline. 

Brave brothers on the mini tractor. 

And she has her ear, she has her thumb, and we are done. Nighty night. It was a fun end to a wonderful birthday weekend. Max said this is the only picture we need of our Priscilla. This picture sums her up completely. :)

I took her to her 1 year old well check on Monday. She weighs 19 lbs. (37 percentile) and is the 62 percentile for height. She has not had one sick visit! Not so much as a cold or a sniffle or congestion or fever, nothing for her entire first year. Kellyn got an ear infection when she was 9 months old, Rhett got a mild case of RSV when we was 6 months old, and Bo got a fever virus when he was 10 months old. Priscilla is my first baby to make to a year without incident. I have to say the only things I did different was that at the birthing center they do not cut the cord right away. They let the blood from the placenta keep pumping into the baby and only once it stop pumping do they they then cut the cord. We were told they do this because cord blood has so many good antibodies in it that you don't want to cut the cord right away. So I believe this helped keep her healthier than normal during her first year. The other thing I did different was only giving her 2 to 3 vaccines at a time. Since we don't have insurance it would cost us $100 per vaccine in the doctor's office and they want to give 4 to 6 vaccines at a time.  Because it is cheaper and only costs me $10 per vaccine at the the County Health Department I go there for vaccines. There is only 1 nurse there so she gives 1 vaccine at a time as opposed to 2 nurses coming in and them each doing a shot together allowing shots to be done 2 at a time. So I can't stand to watch my baby have to get poked once, then again, then again, then again, then again. It is a horrible and a very slow process so I just do 2 shots at a time plus it seems like too much on a baby's little immune system to receive 6 shots i.e. live viruses all at once. So I believe that her receiving only 2 shots every 2 months has contributed to her not getting sick at all her entire first year. I also keep Young Living essential oils diffusing in the air of every room in the house and put oils on her mainly Frankenscence, lavender, and gentle baby to name a few of my go to baby oils. 

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