Thursday, November 8, 2012

God, the stomach bug, and probiotics

* One day Rhett was asking when he could go to Kindergarten. I jokingly said I will be sad when he goes to Kindergarten because then I will be home alone all by myself. Without hesitation he said, "No you won't. God will be with you."  He is wise beyond his years. :)  I love that he knows God is always with us.

* When we were driving home last night from Target and I told the kids to look at the sun and see how beautiful the sunset was with it's pink and orange colors. Rhett said, "The sun is the biggest star God made for us." Obviously Big Sister had told him the sun is a star, but I love how he added "that God made it for us."

* Kellyn had been saving her chore money and then got money from relatives for her birthday and Halloween. She had so much saved up. She was finally ready to spend it on something this week. So yesterday I took the kids to Target to shop. I was so very pleasantly surprised and proud that A) she only spent half her money B) she is saving some to buy a present for baby Lauren's 1st birthday and C) she bought the game Operation instead of a new Barbie or princess thing.

* Last night the kids were up sick with the stomach bug. I knew it was going around so I had been having all of us drink grape juice and double up on our probiotics. We had just gotten into bed when Rhett got sick. He threw up twice between 11:00 and 1:00 then he was done and slept on his nap mat on the floor by our bed. I gave him some water with probiotics powder mixed in it. Then Kellyn got sick at 1:30 and then again at 3:00. I gave her some water with probiotics powder in it. She only threw up twice as well, but she could not sleep because she kept complaining of ear pain. I put ear numbing drops in her ear, but it didn't seem to help. Max finally just got in her bed at 4:30 and prayed with her so she could fall asleep, but she fought it so bad. (I love that prayer comforts them and how they are always telling me how they prayed and God protected them or healed them or calmed them down). Her eyes would get heavy then she would force them open. Needless to say we are all exhausted except for Rhett. At 6:30 this morning he popped up beside me and said, "Moma, the sun is up!" (Although he took a long nap this afternoon). I tell you all this because I really believe our stomach bug would have been worse and lasted longer had we not taken probiotics. They are drinking their probiotics water today and doing better. The healing power of probiotics is amazing! I've been popping them like candy today. :)
My poor sick babies. 
I'm so grateful that I've given the gift of being a stay-at-home mom so I can be readily available to take care of them myself and not worry about things falling apart at work. 

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